By Mike Weston

Thank You Kickstarter Pledgers

​And breathe...

That’s it, the door has finally closed on my Kickstarter campaign.

The total reached is....  

£6,033!  172% funded!

This experience has given me so much more confidence to move things forward, which I could not have done without you.

Why Did I Start This Campaign?

Because many of you suggested I needed to get my music out on vinyl.

I had previously remastered my debut album, ‘This Is Your Life’ so that I can give it a full digital release on streaming sites and places like iTunes (coming very soon!)

When I did the maths I realised I could bring it out on vinyl if I could find a way to cover the cost, and then I realised, why not both albums?

So, I put together this Kickstarter with a view to getting both albums made, and amazingly hit the target in just a little over 24 hours of the campaign start.

There was an additional 'stretch' target where I would get the ‘This Is Your Life’ remasters on to CD. That target was also easily reached thanks to your generosity.

Then, after a suggestion from a pledger, I looked at production costs and thought, ‘Coloured Vinyl?’. Why not? YES! Let’s do it!

It turned out to be extremely popular!

The campaign went from strength to strength, way beyond my expectations and showed me what a fantastically loyal fanbase I’ve achieved in these few short months.

So What Am I Going To Do With The Money?

At the moment I’m using all the revenue received from my digital and CD sales to advertise to get new fans.  This has been working fantastically well and this is the way almost ALL of you discovered my music.

The beauty of the internet and what it has mean for musicians like me – we can actually get discovered.

After the vinyl and new CDs are manufactured and sent to the pledgers, the remaining stock will become available on a new store I’m building for the website.

Here they will be available in different combination packs to suit your pocket and taste.

The sale of these will be 100% profit as the campaign has paid for manufacturing, meaning this money will go straight back into the advertising to build the fanbase.

This will fund the building of my fanbase helping me achieve a bigger following by the time I promote the next album, titled ‘Hot and Cold’.

This store should be open within the next 8 weeks.

Hot and Cold

All along, since starting the return of Adult Cinema, the objective was to build a fanbase for the release of the next album, ‘Hot and Cold’. As some of you know, I’ve been working on this next collection of songs for the past two years, starting out in my old studio ACHQ.

All my drum recordings were done there, and I always thought I could’ve done a better job with the drum sound on just a few of the tracks.  Even though I have my new studio, the extra cash from this campaign means that I now have the chance to re-record some of the drums in a proper full blown recording studio.

Since there’s just the drums and final mixing to go, I'm hoping to get that album completed by the end of the summer.

It's only the additional funding that has made me able to do this, taking the next album to a higher level – and that's is more than I could ever ask.

Everything you’ve pledged is 100% going towards moving Adult Cinema forward - I will not squander a penny of it – and it is a joy to have you along for the ride.

What's next with the pledges?

If you've pledged to the Kickstarter, I'll be in touch by email to check on anything specific for your reward.

And, I'm getting busy with the final artwork and cut for the vinyl, which will happen this week.

As soon as everything is ready I'll get it mailed out to you.

And, if you missed out, I'll try and put together some kind of pre-order here for anyone still keen to get the vinyl or CD as soon as they are ready.

One more time – thanks. It's been amazing.   Mike.