By Mike Weston

I’m All Over The Place!

I wasn’t – originally.

As I said in this post, when I released my debut album I had absolutely no online presence – no website, no Facebook, no YouTube channel – literally nothing.

You could only find me on Amazon if you wanted to buy the CD of ‘This Is Your Life’ and you couldn’t get a download as I didn’t know how to make that happen!

But, thanks to there being sufficient interest in my music, I secured a management deal with a bunch of people with enormous experience and together we’ve come up with a plan to enable me to release my old material and record and release a new album.

At the core of that plan is the online presence that they’ve helped me set up – that’s both this site and the social media profiles that we’ve put in place.

The aim is that we’ll put everything that I do online with this website as a hub for people who become fans to visit to get the latest news and where you’ll be able to listen to music, buy albums and all the usual stuff.

As the plan is to run Adult Cinema as a DIY effort; I’m not really looking for a record deal and worldwide success (but I’ll take it if you’re offering!).

Rather, I’m trying to find a core fanbase who like what I do and then give them access to my music wherever and however they choose.

So, below you’ll find a list of all the places where you can find me online and what you can expect from each one.

Obviously, I’d love it if you’d follow me on those places that you use yourself.

Facebook – Everything I’m up to gets posted here, plus anything music related that I fancy. Including a regular spot I call ‘Adult Cinema Radio’, which is great tracks that inspire me or new music I’ve just discovered.

YouTube – A video for every track I release will be posted on the Adult Cinema YouTube channel. Perhaps not a full-on music video but something made to represent the track. I’ve also got some videos in the works of me in the studio and playing acoustic versions. And, I have a plan for some other stuff that I’m going to try and pull off. Stay tuned and subscribe there.

SoundCloud – Every track is uploaded to my profile here. I’ll also try posting demos and alternative versions here as and when I can.

Instagram – I try to post a photo of what I’m up to on Instagram every day. Some of these are related to the music making process but some are just things I like or maybe sometimes the impressive artwork produced by my pre-school son!

Twitter – You have to tweet these days don’t you! I try to post a couple of times a day about what I’m up to and it’s always a good way to reach me if you want to ask something.

Mailing List – If you’re reading this post, you’re probably already on the Adult Cinema mailing list, but if not, you can sign up here and get four free tracks from ‘Teaser Trailer’.

Spotify – Well, not yet, but after the 8th April we’ll have an artist profile there too. (Update – that is now live!)

There’s a few other places where we have some stuff but these are the core places you’d expect.

Looking forward to connecting with you there.