By Mike Weston

Thank You, But It’s Not Over Yet

So, that was a pretty mad ride!

Before I get into it, I need to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone that has pledged to my Kickstarter campaign.

You have my heartfelt thanks and without you the next stage of my career wouldn’t be possible.

Here’s what I’m on about.

On Tuesday I launched my Kickstarter campaign (and announced it here in this post). In fact I’d sent a preview link to a handful of people who’d said they would be interested the day before and by the end of Monday there had already been £1000 of pledges.

I thought I might just pull it off!

Anyway, I posted about it on Facebook and sent an email to my mailing list on Tuesday morning and by Wednesday morning the campaign had reached its goal of £3500.

That means that the main goal of pressing both ‘Teaser Trailer’ and ‘This Is Your Life’ on vinyl is definitely going to happen.

If you missed all the excitement you can go and check it out now and see what’s on offer. Just click the button below.

But It’s Not Over Yet!

There’s still more than two weeks to go of the Kickstarter campaign and I know that there are people who will only just be hearing about it now and others who haven’t had the time to get involved.

The fact is it’s not too late and you can pledge at any time and choose the rewards that you want right up until it closes on 26th February - although some things might run out as they are limited.

One of those things is the ‘Executive Producer’ credit that I’ve offered for both of the vinyl pressings. A couple of people have taken me up on those and I can’t thank them in particular enough for their generosity.

There’s a few left though so if you fancy having your name on one of my records forever, then scroll down the campaign page and look for that.

There are lots of different packages and I’ve tried to make sure that there are all the things that people have asked for - a new T-shirt design, art prints of the album sleeves and even test pressings for the diehard vinyl junkies.

Some of this stuff won’t ever be available again after the Kickstarter so grab it if it’s something that you want.

What If I Raise More Than I Thought?

I’m already over the initial goal that means I can make the vinyl.

But, if I get as far as or over £4500 as the campaign total, I’m going to make a CD of the remastered version of ‘This Is Your Life’. I’ve explained why that isn’t currently happening in another post on the site here.

If this ‘stretch goal’ is met, then that will change and everyone who backs the campaign will get one of those remastered CDs as a free add-on to whatever reward package they have pledged.

So, that’s it.

There’ll be a few more updates before it’s over, but please understand how much your support means to me and accept my thanks for getting me this far.

Here’s that link again.

Go on, you know you want to.